Friday evening, 7 pm

Hi. I'm a psychiatrist. Your doctors asked me to come by and see you.

Why? Do they think I'm crazy?

No..well, they wanted to see if we could talk about your alcohol use, and if we could help you in any way.


So why are you here?


And do you know what's causing the pancreatitis?

The drinking. what would you like to do about it?


Do you think quitting might help?

Yes, I guess.

Would you like to get better? Or is that something that doesn't matter right now?

Oh, hell yeah, I want to get better.

So, in order to get better..would you like to quit?

Not this time.

[ I'm so tired.]

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About purplesque

Psychiatrist, cook, bookworm, photographer. Not necessarily in that order.
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17 Responses to Friday evening, 7 pm

  1. Emjay says:

    Rough! But I guess the positive is that they knew what they wanted! There was no indecisiveness!

  2. Purplesque says:

    Lol..yes, unfortunately, though, I couldn't leave it at that. We went back and forth for 45 minutes, until we both grew a little tired of each other. My attending thought I could push the gentleman from pre-contemplation to contemplation stage. Something tells me I did not.

  3. LeendaDLL says:

    Hate to admit it but I've been in the guy's position. Lucky for me, it wasn't really pancreatitis – just symptoms that mimicked it, which eventually went away. And in Sept I pretty much quit alcohol anyway – though I'm STRONGLY considering it tonight (no reason other than a craving).

  4. Karen Lynn says:

    yikes! this sounds like my inner struggle with nicotine. addiction sucks. even when you know something is killing you, or will kill you, you chose the beast over the battle to overcome the beast.

  5. Aubrey says:

    But who knows – maybe those 45 minutes will work on him long after he left. Perhaps your calm and sensible words will sink in after a passage of time: sometimes thought precedes action.

  6. Purplesque says:

    Like Karen said, addiction doesn't choose..but I'm so darn glad you quit. I know its not easy.

  7. Purplesque says:

    Thats the problem..a decent guy who turns into something else when he drinks, and is drinking himself to sure death. Addiction makes me sad. So much wasted life..

  8. Purplesque says:

    You have such insight, A. That is supposed to be our intent, to plant the seed of doubt, to take it one step further every time. I hope it works.

  9. Zotta says:

    Purplesque I'm just so glad you're not that guy! I love international cheeses.And I love the cider ingredient in your muffins. Am allergic to flour but Iappreciate what a good recipe that probably tastes like.

  10. Purplesque says:

    Thank you! Are you allergic to flour, or gluten?

  11. Karen Lynn says:

    You are so right, we cut our lives shorter in order to satisfy our addictions. Even knowing we are causing harm to ourselves and others. I tread the "non-smoking" life very carefully because I know how easy it is for nicotine to control me. You are a psychiatrist…tell me why humans do that to themselves? I've never seen a monkey smoking. But I bet they'd like a little beer :))

  12. Purplesque says:

    Its a disease, Karen. Some of us have brains that are particularly wired for addiction, which is why it tends to run in families. The sources are freely available around us in the society. You try it a few times, your brain get a BIG reward feeling, and you're hooked. I grew up in a strict no-smoking no-drinking household. I was never exposed to drugs, never tempted. By the time someone offered me a cigarette, I was grown up enough to know better. I consider myself lucky, just like the animals whom nobody tries to sell a beer or a line of coke. I have heard stories of animals getting hooked to alcohol, though, once exposed.The people I really admire are those who after being addicted are able to quit. That is the hardest thing of all. You are a hero.

  13. Karen Lynn says:

    I love you :)) thank you for that…although I am certainly not a hero. Its quite a struggle! Both my parents are alcoholics, and you will never see me with a drink in my hand. I know I wouldn't be able to handle that addiction. Good thing I hate the way it tastes :)) I do have the addiction gene. I know it, and I refuse to get myself involved with anything that can overcome me. hugs, karen

  14. LeendaDLL says:

    didn't quit – stopped for awhile (took it up again this weekend but will stop Sunday). but i'm also not addicted – just habitual – so stopping isn't a big deal, not at all like it would be for someone who's truly addicted.of course, all this talk of pancreatitis and drinking totally made some of my old symptoms return. i believe it's psychosomatic. the gawds are punishing me for misbehavin'.

  15. Purplesque says:

    Oh..sorry about your symptoms returning..I know this isn't the happiest of things to blog about.The gawds need to chill out a little.

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