Cooking Tips

The first and the most important kitchen tip my mom ever gave me, and kept repeating throughout the years, was this – Clean up as you go.

It took me 20 years to learn.

For more life-saving tips, read this.

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About purplesque

Psychiatrist, cook, bookworm, photographer. Not necessarily in that order.
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6 Responses to Cooking Tips

  1. Emjay says:

    My mother always told me that if I did the cooking someone ELSE would clean up! πŸ™‚

  2. Purplesque says:

    I like your mom already, though I think mom was referring to putting away things as I used them, and not the dishes. I've started doing that now, though I still never screw the caps on completely. πŸ™‚

  3. LeendaDLL says:

    I'm 45 and still haven't absorbed the "clean as you go" rule – mainly cause I'm busy believing in the advice of Emjay's mom!

  4. LeendaDLL says:

    I'm almost 45… almost… . Gawd, I hate when I do that.. it's like i want to be older (and I most certainly do NOT).

  5. Purplesque says:

    :)..I'm just about at the age where I've stopped wanting to be older. Its a funny feeling, this being 'grown up'.

  6. Emjay says:

    That's funny! I spent a year thinking I was one year older than I really was simply because my maths is so bad! I am firm believer that my mother meant someone else would clean up everything!!! ha ha ha.

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